Bookish Love And Support

The Kenosha Book Festival yesterday at Studio Moonfall was an incredible event! Thank you to all the readers that came out to show your bookish love and support, with so many signed adventures from wonderful local indie authors carried away! I’m still smiling!

Happy reading! Stay inspired!

Made My Heart Smile

I was one of the Home Grown Artists at my local Evanston Farmer’s Market yesterday. To the new readers I met, you made my heart smile ~ and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading your new tales!

To my bookish friends ~ I regrettably had to miss a handful of my planned events in April and May, a very first in all my author years. And a sting, as my book days mean everything to me. I’ve therefore decided to schedule this summer a bit more impromptu than usual, rather than ahead. One glorious week of books and sunshine, at a time. I’ll keep the schedule up-to-date here at

Keep Smiling! Keep Reading! Stay Inspired!


What an adventure yesterday! Thank you @magicalmenageriemarket for the party! Wow!!!

Met some awesome people and lovely new readers! Thank you for all the magical and bookish conversation! Sincerely hope that anyone who went away with one of my tales will be wonderfully whisked to my imaginary worlds! All, all, ALL the best!

Stay Inspired!

My Pet Orchid

I replanted Lemmy. She’s my pet orchid. Her name is Lemmy for lemonade. Because her flowers bloom in shades of pink and yellow, reminding me of pink and yellow lemonade. I gave her a bigger pot with a fresh bag of orchid potting chips. Now that she’s got more room to grow, let’s wait for those pretty flowers to come out again.

If you like lemonade, do you prefer pink or yellow? I love a pink lemonade with lots of ice on a sweltering day!

Stay Inspired!

Nanners Or BlueBerries

I get a kick out of other people’s grocery haul photos. So here’s mine for this week (I’m a vegetarian).

Plain oatmeal with nanners or blueberries for breakfast. Apple, celery sticks, raw veggies for lunch. Salad, or steamed veggies with brown rice for supper. Grapes or orange for sugar tooth.

(I also love cheese, crackers, pastries, cookies, chocolate…but I had a lot of those last week and my cravings tilt one way or the other. I listen to my body. This week it’s veggie love.)

Stay Inspired!

Nerd Out On New Ideas!

For about a year, I’ve been reading business books, listening to podcasts, researching, reading articles, exploring, testing new ideas, all around my author life, in ways I never had before. It’s been fun! And interesting! At the core of it, I just want to learn…stuff. Just nerd out on new ideas!

Currently reading MicroFamous by Matt Johnson. Sure to gain a new pondering or two, I gather.

Keep Trying!

So I’d gotten this teeny kiosk that I can carry on the L train to events around Chicago. And I’m already rethinking it. It’s fast to set up, and so perfect. But still too bulky for L hopping. For close to home, it will still work. I’d also designed that ad board twice, and didn’t like either! So ran out of patience and left it blank (awkward!) this particular day. Let’s see what else I come up with for my city adventures…

Keep trying! Stay Inspired!

Next Up…

Thank you for hosting the Cupid’s pop-up last Sunday @missioncontrolarcade (! Next up for me, The Magical Menagerie Market March 26th! @magicalmenageriemarket, this authoress is looking forward to the fun!

Stay Inspired!

Look It Up In The Dictionary

I think dictionaries are ridiculously entertaining ~ just flip the pages and point to a word. Did you know that word before? Do you know how to pronounce it? Is its meaning curious or does it make you laugh? My grandma used to tell me to “look it up in the dictionary” when I used to ask how to spell something. I didn’t like that. I was a kid. I thought that was a chore. But not now. I love words. Words. Words. Words. Sometimes I make them up in my writing and can’t believe they aren’t in the dictionary when I edit my work. I might start leaving some of them in my books instead of correcting them. My little secret. See if anyone notices.

Go flip the pages of the dictionary. What was your word?


Everything in twinkle lights! All year long! ALL the twinkles! That’s what I say ~

How are you, Friends? Events starting up for me again next week, which is my joy! My bookish days are my best days. Really looking forward to it, and will share my adventures here with you!

Twinkle-twinkle! Stay Inspired!

The Magical Menagerie Market

I’m very excited to be joining The Magical Menagerie Market on March 26th from 12-7 p.m. at Stan Mansion in Chicago!

I’ll be selling and signing my magical tales! Thank you @magicalmenageriemarket & @theapothecarycupboard for hosting and for welcoming this authoress to this incredible event!

Flyer art – @thesinisterrex

My Best Days

I’ll be updating with a few events shortly, and what a fun project it’s been planning a new bookish stand to take along on my outings! Really looking forward to meeting new friends and readers soon. As I always say, my bookish days are my best days. But not just because of the books. It’s because of YOU. The incredible, kind, artistic, interesting, creative people I meet. I’ll be seeing you soon!

My Pop-Up Bookstand!

My pop-up bookstand is coming along! And it all fits in a few bags easily carried. I make my own magic, man! And you may think those are twinkle lights…but they’re fairies. They flew by to approve my shop.

See you soon, Chicago!

Just a mock-up…but this little kiosk collapses into a bag to go over my shoulder! Tiered cardboard bookshelf on the way will sit on top. Need batteries for lots more twinkle lights! Let’s see what I do with the sign. Storage in the back for extra tales. Starting February, my little mobile bookshop and I will be L hopping. I owe you some visits, Chicago! Come along on the adventure with me…


Wishing your holiday season filled with fairy tale moments! But if you need some…this fairy godwriter can point you in the ‘write’ direction! Tee-hee! Sparkle-sparkle! Stay inspired!

For a list of my magical works, please visit:

Scratching Pages

The writing has been difficult these weeks. Words? I have them. They are on the page. I always have words. I’ve been scratching pages. Which isn’t like me. But that’s because I know. They just aren’t the right ones.

This coming event season when a reader asks for my newest novel, I want to hand them something that is going to make them gasp, revolt, smile, laugh, cringe, drop a tear…need to stay up for just one more chapter. But that takes more than words. It takes heart.

~ Stay Inspired ~

A Little Inspiration

Hello My Bookish Friends!

If you’ve enjoyed a little inspiration from my writing corner over the years, please consider…

~ Following me on Goodreads, and adding some of my tales to your Want to Read shelf!

~ Submitting an Amazon or Goodreads review for one of my books (this means THE world to an author)!

~ Ordering one of my stories for yourself or a special gift (and if you bring it to one of my events, I’ll be so happy to sign it)!

~ Following my author journey on Instagram, Facebook,, YouTube

~ Coming by for a signed copy at one of my outings. 2023 is going to be special! Schedule announcing soon on!

~ Sharing your inspired words, likes, and follows. This keeps me lifted and fuels my pen!

Thank you sincerely – for the inspiration you give, to me!

~Author Website:

~Amazon Author Site:

~Authoress Michelle Novak on YouTube

~ Goodreads Author Page

Keep Going!

My first book was published in 2015 and I’ve been on an adventure ever since. Growing as a writer, indie publishing, event attending, small business skills, marketing, social media. I love it all – I never get tired of it – I’m always inspired by it – and every day I’m growing. In fact, I feel like I’m just getting warmed up!

I wanted to say to all the writers, artists, creators, and small business owners out there. I see it now – one must KEEP LEARNING. Read, watch, listen, research, ADAPT, get excited, get inspired, keep going, KEEP GOING! It’s the ones who keep learning, and do not stop, that actually make strides to get where they want to go! Common sense? Then tell me why it’s so easy to become stagnant and let go of one’s hopes for one’s craft?

I’m very, VERY excited for 2023 in my bookish life. Some exciting new fun is approaching! And I believe that if I continue to take my own advice, the future is really looking very magical!

Stay Inspired!

Every fairy godwriter knows this.

Okay – I’ll let you in on a secret. If you want to see vibrant stories in your imagination, you have to wear colorful eyeglasses. And then to capture those bright words, you must use a rainbow of ink. It’s the only way to write a fairy tale. Every fairy godwriter knows this.


I heard geese migrating overhead, opened my window to the cold and listened to their cries so high up in the sky. All just talking, one to the other. I thought it was so beautiful.

I saw a tiny weed sticking up in an alley on my walk, wrapped round with a thin piece of gold tinsel. Maybe the wind caught the tinsel there. Or maybe someone made a tiny Christmas tree with one thread of gold. Either way, it was beautiful.

I smile for my bowls of fruit, remembering how lucky I am to have what I need. Every small blessing – beautiful.

All of those things…

Where’s your life adventure taking you right now?

I’ve been all about my little bookish business, planning for 2023. Writing, considering new ideas and goals, planning my hopes for an exciting book season in the new year. All of those things that make me really happy!

The squalling of his wild cry…

Handwritten pages just before I slipped them into the shredder. I prefer to handwrite my youth adventures, but I don’t keep the paper pages after they are eventually typed up.

I just love writing these tales! Can you hear the fump-fump-fump of the dragon’s wings? The squalling of his wild cry? Feel the heat in the fire from his snout? I can.


How many of my bookish friends out there, like me, seem to always be reading a stack of books at once? Why can’t I just pick one? And how many titles am I reading right now with the word ‘ghost’ in it? Read after read, scaring myself silly. I can’t explain it. But what if a ghost floated right past you right now?! EEEkkkk! Anyone know of a good ghostly tale?

Stay silly! Read a story! Stay Inspired!

For a list of my tales, please visit:

What a smile that brought me…

I spotted this painting above a business while walking to my L stop in the city last weekend. It instantly took me away to a faraway castle, as in one of my tales. And what a smile that brought me.

For a list of my stories, please visit:

PURE Happiness

After setting up for a bookish day a few Sundays ago, I grabbed a coffee and muffin, and sat enjoying the sunshine, looking forward to the day. I had all four of my favorite things – I was outdoors, with my books, drinking coffee, eating a muffin. PURE happiness.

What makes you happy like that? Go do that. And I suggest a blueberry muffin while you’re at it. Or pumpkin. Or banana.

Stay Inspired!

This Author Journey…

Where my pen will be traveling these next chilly months. One of several new tales that will be available for my next bookish season – plans for which are already looking exceptional. Announcing soon!

Thank you all for being on this author journey with me! Stay Inspired!
Cover Design:

Reading Means So Much To Me

For those of you who have read a tale or two of mine, what was memorable about one of them?

Reading means so much to me. I was thinking today about how a book I’ve been reading, just a sweet story, has several times quelled my stress. I’m thankful for that. Books have so many purposes. They are a getaway, excitement, make you dream, are educational, calming, and many many other things. When I write a book, and let it go, I know it has a life beyond me that I never see. And sometimes I’m curious if and what it might have meant, to someone else. The way books I read by other authors, make impressions on me!

Stay Inspired!
For a list of my stories, please visit:

My Fingers Are On Fire

Thank you @napervilleartisan for a wonderful event this last weekend! And to all the new readers and friends who made it so memorable for me ~ I sincerely appreciate all of you so much!

And now ends my 2022 event season until the spring. My fingers are on fire for a winter of writing!
Stay Inspired!

Set Your Goals

My current writing habit is to chip away on one of my stories every day. I’m working on 3 tales at the moment (next out – Dragons at Dusk). Energetic writing goals don’t work for me. I prefer to simply pick up my pen once a day – even if that means writing only a sentence. It still means more words than I had down the day before!

Set your goals to work for YOU! Stay Inspired!

Fall Fairies

Are you watching for the fall fairies, hiding in the leaves?

To catch my silly fairy videos, please visit: Authoress Michelle Novak on YouTube
For a list of my fairy tales, please visit:

You Make Your Own Magic!

How do you make your own magic?

I like to take walks and dream about my little bookish plans, or browse book cover art and imagine stories I’d like to write. And of course, I pen tales that take me far away and then share them with you!

Take time to dream ~ you make your own magic!

Such A Sweet Treat!

What a lovely read! Only a quarter the way through, but such a sweet treat!
{check out the author at:}

One of the interesting things about being an author, is discovering different writing styles and genres than your own through reading. Once, I only read books. Now, I both read, and consider the writing with the eye of an author. Reading is even more inspiring to me now, if that could even be possible!

Stay Inspired!

Celebrating Creative Works

Less than two weeks away! Evanston Made Maker’s Market! I’ll be selling and signing my tales ~ Always a great day celebrating creative works in my community of makers! I hope to see you there!

Thank you @evanston_made for this lovely graphic!
For a list of my titles, please visit:

Indie Author Podcast Interview!!!

A special share! The ArtSpace Podcast covered the Kenosha Book Festival several weeks ago, speaking to the guest independent authors! I’m the first author interviewed after the introduction – and this episode is just an indie author gem! Thank you to the podcast’s creators – Jake and Shelby! Have a listen all of you, my bookish friends!

The ArtSpace Podcast: Episode 21 –

Everything I need!

Walked to the Evanston Farmers’ Market this morning! Economize while eating well? This will do the trick for this vegetarian! Everything I need!

Love yourself ~ stay inspired!

Very Special Plan Brewing

I love my simple home. My simple pursuits. Simple as they are, this summer felt yet again – busy!!

As fall makes its way in, I’m looking forward to slowing down. To reading and writing more, being on-the-go less. I still have several events yet for October, so I hope to see some of you yet. Then it will be back to my writing season, and planning ahead for next year! I have a very special plan brewing – but nothing confirmed yet!

For a list of events and my works, please visit:

What a day!

What a day! Thank you @donovanscherer of Studio Moonfall for hosting the Kenosha Book Festival yesterday!

Incredible meeting so many other independent authors!!! And it was yet again, such a joy sharing time with readers, both old and new! These bookish days, and the people I meet, bring so much inspiration and happiness to my life. It’s everything to me – thank you!

Forget Magic Wands

Forget magic wands. This is my magic pencil.

Stay Inspired!

For a list of my works, please visit:
Amazon Author Page:

New Facebook page!

Back in this spot I wish I could be more often than not…

Who loves coffee? I LOVE coffee. Black, no stuff in it. That muffin is vegan. I just finished it and it was so wonderful. Oh, blueberry muffins. I love you. I LOVE you.

So – I prefer to write my short adventures by hand. I feel like a kid with a giant pencil, my tongue sticking out the side of my mouth, eraser bits everywhere. Writing anything I want, anything I can imagine.

My novels – computer only. My brain operating more like I’m in some darkened corner of a vast library, studying hard. Oversized glasses falling down my nose. All my reference books splayed around me. Deeply focused on the scene I am creating.

They feel different. And I love them both. That’s why I write both novels, and tales. Two sides of my personality. I bet there is some place in your life you can to relate to feeling like that.

Oh! New Facebook page in case you prefer your updates there!

Something Bookish and Wonderful

Nothing makes me more optimistic than a piercing blue sky with bright green trees! What a view!

Just this moment, I have something special on my heart I’m hoping and waiting about. Something bookish and wonderful. But as it’s just not sure, I can only be hopeful and patient right now. I must believe that the best will happen, right?

What inspires you to be optimistic?

That’s my place, man.

Authoress Advice – # 1

When coming up with a plot for a novel, you’ll consider one or even a hundred wonderful ideas. Tales that would be amazing, and which you and others would love to read! But there needs to be something much more.

Writing, editing, publishing a book is a marathon. Imagine it. That you are running, for a very, very long time. In spite of the reasons you are running, even that you love to run, you’re going to get tired. Maybe even want to give up along the way. Because while you’re in it, in spite of the love, it’s a lot of work.

When deciding your project/idea – consider which will inspire you, drive you, keep you going, until the book is one day in your hands. Great ideas are great! But is it one that will endlessly fuel you?

My Still, a mystery in a New York City museum…I love it so much. I could stay there forever. Write another and another in that world I made up. That’s my place, man. Let me go THERE. Those people, they are real to me.

Will the idea you are considering make you feel that way too? Trust me, you’re going to need, and want it to. Look for THOSE bright stars.

Stay Inspired!

My Eyebrows Know

Today I got in a few minutes of writing during my lunch hour and realized I was doing the funniest thing! My expressions were totally reacting to what I was writing. I mean, do I do that? Eyebrows going a little crazy every time a dragon screeches on the page?

This can only mean one thing. Dragons at Dusk is turning out an awesome adventure! My eyebrows know.

With Sparkle and a Smile!

Upcoming bookish fun!!! Selling and signing my tales with sparkle and a smile! I hope to see you there!

A September event may yet sneak in, and there’s a December event that is quite likely, but I’ll update when I’m certain.

For a list of my works, please visit:

The Magic Was Real

The magic was real this weekend at the 18th World of Faeries Festival in South Elgin, IL! So was the heat and humidity – oh my word! But let me tell you, if you are local, and especially if you have little ones, visit this event in the future. It is so special!

Thank you to the incredible readers, old and new. You bring sparkle, inspiration, and blessings to my life – I was amazed by the incredible reception I had at this event! And thank you to my friends who came out to support me and my bookish business! It meant so much!!

ALL my best to all! Stay Inspired!

Break Out Your Glitter Wings!

This book fairy is preparing for a magical weekend! Who will be joining me at the 18th World of Faeries Festival?!

I will be selling and signing my tales, filled with fairies, unicorns, dragons, elves, and every enchanted creature imagined! So break out your glitter wings and come out to dance a day in the sunshine with your fellow fairies!

Sat. Aug 6th – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sun. Aug 7th – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Food – Music – Magical Merchants

Vasa Park – South Elgin, IL

For a list of my tales, please visit:

And now I can go eat some candy…

I took myself into the city yesterday for a spot of art and quite enjoyed my adventure! And have you watched the new adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion on Netflix yet?! Oh my word, so lovely! I’m reading an eerie ghost book (when am I not) just now, and I’m also sort of convinced I might have caught something ghostly on camera yesterday (maybe I shouldn’t announce that on the internet).

I’m heavily deciding on new writing projects this minute, as well as heavily procrastinating on some important paperwork! Oh, and I had toast with lots of raspberry jam this morning. Isn’t jam so swell? AND! I went to the dentist Friday – love my teeth cleanings! Because I’m weird like that. And now I can go eat some candy. How’s that for an update?!
Stay Inspired!

Reading Is So Wonderful!

My Dragons At Dawn and Once Upon A Star on a shelf at Studio Moonfall in Kenosha, WI.

Nothing makes me smile more than to imagine the adventure someone is going to have when they pick up one of my tales! Reading is so wonderful!

Stay Inspired!

For a list of my works, please visit here!

Keep your eyes open!

On one of my walks I found a fairy!!! See! You just have to keep your eyes open, and you’ll find magic!

For a list of my magical tales (fairy books too!), please visit:

I spy, with my little eye…

I spy, with my little eye, something written by ME…

Who can name the title? And man my book is in such good company on the shelves of Studio Moonfall in Kenosha, WI.

For a list of my works, please visit:

This Author Journey…

This author journey is an incredible one, and keeps getting better with every day! Thank you to Studio Moonfall for today’s wonderful event! And thank you to the readers – every single one of you. It is a privilege to be able to share my stories, with you.

For a list of my works, please visit:

Author Updates ~ Summer 2022!

~ Authoress Michelle Novak ~

Author Updates ~ Summer 2022!

To learn more about my works please visit:
Stay Inspired!

It Was A Blue Jay!

Something in a tree caught my eye while I was parking my car at the Oak Brook Artisan Market last Sunday. It was a Blue Jay. I am particularly fascinated by jays. Mostly because, even though I have always been observant of nature, I’ve only spotted one a few times in my whole life.

This one was trying to get itself a balloon string, but couldn’t get one loose. It looked like a whole bundle of balloons had floated up into this tree and popped.

I heard and saw more jays abiding in the trees. Perhaps nesting flocks. I would have liked to have spent more time bird watching, but alas, it was a book day so I had my hands full. But I still feel lucky to have spotted a jay at all!

Stay Inspired!

A Wonderful Bookish Day

Had a wonderful bookish day at the Oak Brook Artisan Market last Sunday! I’ve said it so many times, but I have to say it again – book days are the best days.

To all the readers on this author journey of mine – I sincerely appreciate you.

Stay Inspired!

Oak Brook Artisan Market Tomorrow!

Dear Friends ~ I hope you all are staying inspired?! Grant me a smile with your comments! You know I’m always glad to hear from you!

I’ll be selling and signing my tales at the Oak Brook Artisan Market tomorrow from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and it’s going to be bookish and lovely! And crafty and arty! And I hope to see you there!

Literary love, Smiles, and Sparkle!

Had a great time at the Evanston Made Maker’s Market last Sunday. As I always say – book days are my favorite days, and this one was no exception!

Here’s a photo of my trusty bookmobile and parking lot book display. The bookmobile and I are always ready for a bookish pop-up (see that event tent temporarily crushing my passenger-side seat?)

Local event (Chicago-ish, Milwaukee-ish)? Send me an invite! The bookmobile and I will drop in to spread some literary love, smiles, and sparkle!

Event Tomorrow!

I’ll be at the Evanston Made Maker’s Market tomorrow – May 1st – from 12 – 5 p.m. signing and selling my tales! So excited!

In advance of any book-selling event, I take prep pretty seriously. I have this fear that I’ll show up without my cash box, calculator, receipt book, etc. Or very importantly, snacks. Ha!

I used to teach public speaking, and one of the keys to helping with nervousness is to be as prepared as possible for your speech. I use this tip to feel ready for events too. Bookmobile already packed!

My Bookish Briefcase

Maybe I should renovate an old ice cream truck and instead of cold treats, sell fairy tales. I know some of your are saying – If anyone would do this, Michelle would. And they would be right.

I mean, I already have my old rusting bookmobile. (Can I sell books out of my trunk? Need you ask?)

I have my book tent. (A first trial setting up of which yesterday, nearly gave me a concussion and completely defeated me physically. I’m still recovering. But I think I figured it out. Hopefully. Maybe.)

And there’s my bookish briefcase here! Traveling tales saleswoman. Wonder what the reception would be if I tried to sell books door-to-door?
Keep Smiling! Stay Inspired!

The Transcendent Moments

For the book lovers out there ~ what’s your favorite thing about reading?
For the writers ~ why do you write?
For the creators ~ when does making feel like magic?

Me? I write for the transcendent moments. Those times when it takes me some place incredible, within myself. A really focused, yet far away, beautiful place.

Those Words Will Still Be True

Occasionally I get stuck for an eternity working on one-single-sentence. One I just can’t get right. Just a dizzying puzzle of moving letters. I put in a struggle but get nowhere.

The next day I revisit it, and it takes moments to rewrite. Way better than what I could have spun the day before.

As a writer, struggle only sharpens my pencil, making the sentence come easier the next go around. But apply that to just about anything in life, and I’m certain those words will still be true.

Stay Inspired!

Beloved Tomes

Have you ever bound an often-read book?

As a youth, I remember we covered our text books with paper grocery bags and then scribbled all over them. You could then tear off the paper when it was time for return.

This is my Bible. Bound in my favorite green color, a velvety fabric. It’s gone through several covers and decades of page turning. It’s nice to hold it with this fabric and makes it feel personal to me. Consider it an idea for your most beloved tomes!

Keep Making A Splash!

Here’s to all you strong and amazing mermaidens out there!! Keep making a splash!!

The Mermaiden by Michelle Novak

{For a list of all my works, please visit:}
{Please join me on Goodreads}
{Please join me on Instagram}

~ Thank you for supporting Independent Authors! Stay Inspired! ~

Not Just With Words

I’m not just a writer. I can also bite hearts right into my apples. I know, I know. A pretty special talent. I agree. I can share feelings not just with words, but with chomps!

It’s How I Got My Start

I’ve been an author since I was a child. Here’s the proof. I think I’ll be doing a video reading, because A Lizard Named Tom needs to be heard by the world!

For your kids, for yourself, pick up a few blank books. To write and draw one’s own stories! Trust me. It’s how I got my start.

Stay Inspired!

Novels and Fairy Tales Too!

May 1st ~ 12 – 5 p.m. Evanston Made Maker’s Market with all of its incredible treats, crafts, and art! Novels and fairy tales too!!! I hope to see you there!

Thank you Evanston Made for this lovely graphic, and for welcoming this author to the fun!!

I write myself away…

Each day, I write myself away to places I imagine…

One of the best parts?

Eventually sharing those places, with you.

{For a synopsis of my forthcoming Still, and other works, please visit:}

Bookish Chats in 2022!

I hope to see you for some bookish chats in 2022! Please visit for a list of my works, and the events I’ll be joining!

Stay Inspired! ~ Authoress Michelle Novak

That First Jump Off My Crazy Cliff

The first book I wrote was 521 pages. I look back and think I was crazy. Venice is an interactive book as well – you pick the next page to turn to at the end of each chapter. Do you know how especially crazy you have to be to write a 521 page interactive brick?

And yet…without that first jump off my crazy cliff, I’d never have known this happiness. The kind only writing and sharing my tales, has given me.

Do what you love – Stay Inspired

Fairy Whisperings

How does their language sound? Like little precious fairy whisperings? And I wonder what they talk about. Perhaps I’ll imagine it, and write it into a fairy tale someday.

Stay Inspired!

{Butterflies and moths at the Field Museum}

Watch out! I’m learning stuff!

I have been voraciously listening to independent-publishing podcasts and LOVING IT!

I’m really enjoying hearing other writers share their authoring stories. A bonus – I’m learning SO MUCH at the same time.

Watch out! I’m learning stuff! HA!

A Season Of Bookish Fun To Begin!

I sure am ready for spring weather and a season of bookish fun to begin!

Confirmed ~ Evanston Made Maker’s Market – Sunday May 1st – 12 to 5 p.m.
Confirmed ~ Oak Brook Artisan Market – Sunday May 15th – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

I Just Dig This Story!

I’m working on Dragons At Dusk, the follow-up to my Dragons At Dawn. I reread Dragons At Dawn last week as a refresher and I say…I could just live in that world! Scary screeching dragon in my village and all, I’m there!

I won’t pick one of my beloved tales over another, because they really each are special to me. But I have to say, I just dig this story, and I’m really excited to soon be sharing its sequel!

What would it be about?

Have you ever thought about writing a book? If you did, what would it be about?

Still by Michelle Novak ~ Releasing Soon!

For a synopsis of Still and my other works, please visit:

One Mask I’ll Never Get Tired Of…

Who wouldn’t be weary of wearing masks by now.

Yet there’s one mask I’ll never get tired of!

Venetian Carnevale just ended – every year at this time I dream about the beauty of Venice.

What inspires you?

{Book ~ Venice Incognito by James Johnson}

18th World of Faeries Festival !!!

Mark your calendars! The 18th World of Faeries Festival ~ Aug. 6th & 7th, 2022 ~

To learn more about the festival, please visit:
To learn more about my works, please visit:

To My Very Dear Readers…

~ To My Very Dear Readers ~

I wanted to share with you before I began announcing my forthcoming 2022 event schedule…

My little bookshop, The Quill and Brush, where I’ve signed and sold my tales at the Bristol Renaissance Faire for 5 incredible summers, will be sitting out the 2022 season. As many know, the faire is one of the loves of my life, and has been since I was a little girl. And my tented shop? Don’t get me started! Some of the best memories of my life were made there, making friends with so many of you, on so many beautiful festival days. It is because of these experiences that my tales have gone out into the world, and lived.

I will never be able to express enough gratitude for the patrons and friends of The Quill and Brush. But know and believe, how much I sincerely thank each of you.

Yes! There are magical future possibilities for The Quill and Brush! But for now, I am fully embracing 2022 as a year of learning and growth as an author, new opportunities and different experiences. I’ll be popping up everywhere, toting my tales along. It would fill my heart to see you! Thank you for being right there beside me on this incredible journey, which continues to amaze me.

Now, with all of this said – let the new books, new events, new announcements, excessive silliness and sparkle, commence!

Just To Keep Things Curious

The works of artist and author Edward Gorey has forever, and will ever be, such a favorite for me. Each sketch, with a strange or silly story, brings me someplace inspiring, yet eerie. I love it. And will cherish my little collection.

True story – for years I used to send out creepy Edward Gorey Christmas cards.

Just to keep things curious.

Who is the author…

Who is the author that you would read anything they ever, or will ever write?

I know, I know, your first obvious answer would be Authoress Michelle Novak, right?

{tee – hee – hee}

Mine is Mary Roach, writing a great many things science.

She, is amazing. My author hero.

Though sometimes her books make me want to pass out.

Read one and you’ll get what I mean.

Glad for my dad…

True story – my dad has been sending me books by snail mail, all neatly taped up in brown paper, for YEARS. Two decades? Sometimes up to one a week. He is a big reader, and our tastes line up so closely, that I will read much of what he sends.

This book came today. He always sends the ghost books because they are a favorite to us both. They’re my candy bars as far as book genres go. I’m surprised we haven’t read them all by now!

Glad for my dad, always sending me books.

Stay Inspired!

Like Eating Bowls of Ice Cream

Do you have a collection in your book collection? One of mine are my Venice books. I love reading history, but the really dry ones can be a challenge. The exception would be if they are about Venice. For me, that’s like eating bowls of ice cream.

Can you spot the two I wrote?

Just Being Proud

I’ve learned that the way to reach your goals is not by huge bounding leaps. That would make anybody tire out fast and feel like giving up. It’s with little steps, consistently, one foot and then the next. Never being down that the progress was so small that day, but just being proud that you did indeed, move ahead…

Stay Inspired!

I’m going to try anyway.

You know those things in life that are simultaneously exciting, and terrifying? This would explain my shaking hands as I wrapped up Veleno for shipping. I’ve entered some Independent Author Book Awards. Competitions really, though I don’t want to think of it that way.

A book award would be like winning the golden ticket in a chocolate bar. But I’m going to try anyway. Something to keep me on my toes. Keep me trying harder with each new book I write. Keep me inspired.

What Events Do You Suggest?

Hi Friends!

Man…is anybody else ready for spring?! I sure am. I need some warm sun. It’s been a winter, that’s for sure!

So, I’m thinking about events in 2022 and beyond and thought I’d ask you all – what do you suggest in the Chicagoland – Milwaukeeland area that I check out? Fairs, festivals, markets, conventions, independent-author-bookish-fun-stuff, etc.? Please mention in the comments and I’ll absolutely take a look! And, thank you!

Stay Inspired!

Everything so beautiful and like new!

So…I have been starting to look shabby. Like, I’ve had to start discarding jeans one by one with considerable rips and holes popping up everywhere, tops discoloring and losing form from many wears and washes, etc. I haven’t really purchased clothes in years. Only a few necessary items. I work from home now, and I don’t go to dress-up places anymore either. So, I’ve just been making do. And, though I once went to nice stores and picked out nice things when I needed (or wanted) them, money has become too precious for that. Those days are long gone.

But you know what? I did something yesterday that I should have been doing even years ago when I stepped out to the stores. I went thrifting at Goodwill. I walked away with a heart so full, friends. For about $55, I left with 3 jeans, 2 sweaters, 2 blouses, 1 flannel, 2 black slacks, a winter hat, a scarf (not all seen here in the photo). Everything so beautiful and like new!

My only difficulty with used items, is that they tend to have perfume in them from past owners. (Donators don’t necessarily wash items before they donate). Which, my serious allergies can’t take. But, with these clothes, a wash (maybe a half a cup of vinegar in it) will do the trick.

I feel SO blessed. God is so good. And from here on out, I will be a thrifter rather than a shopper. There is NO excuse not to stretch my hard-earned money, when such nice things are available to me, at such good prices. I always liked thrifting before, but I have a much stronger appreciation for it today.

All my best, and Stay Inspired ~

It’s Something I Just Don’t Have Words For…

It’s hard to describe the feeling you get as an author, when the first copy of your book arrives in the mail. Before, your work was just endless words on a bright screen. For months, sometimes years. And then one day, the book is real. And holding it in your hands, it’s something I just don’t have words for. Even as a writer…

Still by Michelle Novak ~ Release date announcing soon ~
Roe works as a backer, a jack-of-all-trades in one of New York City’s oldest museums. Housing a legion of ancient treasures, its dim and mysterious halls have been venerated for long over a century. Her father before her, an esteemed historian in the museum for decades. It was from him, that she learned everything.

In this place, Roe’s whole life has been spent. Exploring every shadowy corner, gazing over every priceless piece, sneaking a glance inside every creaky drawer. So, she thought she had discovered all of its even most secret of secrets. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In a museum, there is always more to find. Or more to find you. And here, something has been hiding in the basement for a very long time. Something that has now begun looking, for Roe.
For a list of my works, please visit here.
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Merry, Merry My Friends

A long holiday weekend spent reading and writing?! WHAT a treat!! Happiness – here I come!!!

Merry, Merry my friends ~
Stay Inspired!

Only Two Goals Today…

I have only two goals today. To eat that sandwich (check!) and to sharpen those pencils (I’ll get there…maybe this afternoon…or tonight).

I’m not aiming high. I need rest. And some days, we just have to say, that’s okay.

Yes. Dull pencils drive me bonkers. Quite bonkers.

Author asides: Still releasing soon!! Oh my gosh – oh my gosh – oh my gosh. Who wants to get creeped out in a museum?! ME – Me – ME!! Early 2022 – date coming in a blink!

Dragons at Dusk – first quarter of 2022! Other new works? A glimpse is just around the bend. New events? Will announce the 2022 bookish fun as it is scheduled!!

Bonus: 5 author-signed copies of my Ancient are on giveaway NOW at Goodreads! Here’s the link.

For a list of my works, please visit here.

Stay Inspired!

They Jump Away From Me

As some of you know, I love jumping spiders. Like, love them. All of the ones in my house are my pets. They don’t agree. They jump away from me. But still. I know deep down they love me too and are thankful I let them live in my window frames and don’t squish them.

So when I saw this fossil of a jumping spider at the Field Museum…millions of years old…well, I just wish I could have seen him in action! Watched him hop! Watched him hunt! Too cool, man.

Stay Inspired!

Merry Jumping Bandicoots!

To those of you who might have believed a bandicoot was just a creature of fairy tales, perhaps a goblin or other that tickles sleeping toes in the night, you will now be made aware that they are in fact, a real animal. My goodness – what a cutie! They hail from Australia.

I may consider including bandicoots in one of my stories. Because that just sounds magical to me. Wouldn’t you agree? Yes. I can see them now. A band of merry jumping bandicoots leading the way!

Never lose your imagination!

[Photo taken at the Field Museum]

A Special Moment, Just For Me

The Yellow-headed Blackbird is rare in Illinois. I’ve been watchful of nature since I was a kid, and never saw one. Which was why when I spotted one one dismal rainy morning fluffing its feathers and looking like a magnificent firecracker, I was literally stunned. It – was – BEAUTIFUL.

I had no idea what bird this was! We had a chat, the yellow head and I. Sort of a one-sided conversation. I told it how beautiful it was. It fluffed the rain off its feathers, puffing up, walking cautiously around through the grass. I think it might have been hunting for worms in the rain.

I took this photo at the Field Museum recently. It made me happy to see it again! I hope one day to see another in the wild. But I’ll never forget the one time that I did. It felt like a special moment, just for me.

Stay Inspired!

What Places Inspire You?

I visited the Field Museum over the Thanksgiving holiday. Some places just feel like home, and this is one of them for me. A place full of inspiration.

My newest book Still, out soon, is greatly inspired by my memories visiting the Field. To read a synopsis, please visit:

What places inspire you?

Ever Humbled and Thankful

Book day today!! Book days are the best days!

Can’t every day be a book day?!

Thank you to all the gracious folks I met in Skokie at the Holiday Fair Extravaganza today! And for your support, each of you new readers. I ever hope that each tale that walks away, brings with it as much adventure, inspiration, and happiness, as always seems to come to me. I, am ever humbled and thankful.

All my best – Stay Inspired!

Smelly Cheese and Fancy Crackers

Holly jolly! Glitter and gold! Sparkle and lights!

I’ll be in Skokie tomorrow for a little holiday fun, talking books!

If you aren’t within a sleigh ride’s distance, please consider being a fairy godpatron this season with an online order. Because everyone wants a book in their stocking!! Of course!

And chocolates. Of course! And new fuzzy socks…
I’d appreciate some smelly cheese and fancy crackers in my stocking. Is that weird?

Merry, MERRY!
For a list of my tales, please visit:

Fairy Tales Make The Best Stocking Stuffers…

Next up for me? Some sparkly festive cheer talking books at Skokie’s Holiday Fair Extravaganza! Fairy tales make the best stocking stuffers, you know! I’ll be there signing mine from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.!

Stay Inspired!

A Magical Mention!

Thank you to Studio Moonfall for hosting this author yesterday. My new Moonfall mug filled with hot cocoa (and refill!) was a treat, and proprietor Donovan Scherer a true mentor to the independent author.

A magical mention!! A selection of my books are now available at Studio Moonfall. Presently – Beauty Sleeping, Veleno, Dragons at Dawn, and Once Upon a Star! If you haven’t yet visited this gem of a bookstore in Kenosha, WI – you really must!

New books, new events, more magic coming soon! But in the meantime, Stay Inspired!

Guest Author at Studio Moonfall Tomorrow!

Guest author at Studio Moonfall in Kenosha tomorrow between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.! I’ll be taking in the fresh air just out front, talking books. And probably eating Halloween candy. Wait – who is bringing the Halloween candy?! There HAS to be Halloween candy! I better find some Halloween candy!?!

Best to you all – and a very Happy Halloween!

Studio Moonfall this Sunday!

Kenosha! I’m heading back your way this Sunday – October 31st, visiting Studio Moonfall between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. as guest author! If you haven’t seen this spectacular shop, filled with magical books and art, I can’t encourage you enough.

What do I really appreciate about Studio Moonfall and proprietor Donovan Scherer? All the support for independent authors – like me! In fact, check out today’s post at @donovanscherer. See anything familiar?!

All my best, friends – and Stay Inspired!

Things are going to get a little sillier…

As if things weren’t getting silly enough, they’re about to get just a little sillier. Come join me on the new YouTube channel – Authoress Michelle Novak.

Because there’s nothing like a little storytelling, is there?