Periwinkle – Periwinkle – Periwinkle

It’s snowing! And I also wear prescription glasses on walks or if I must drive somewhere now. Because one day I was looking at a Halloween blow-up figurine in a neighbor’s lawn and I just couldn’t make out if it was a dog, or a dinosaur? Or like, maybe a rat? My glasses are periwinkle. Periwinkle helps me see better. And also, if you say periwinkle three times real fast, it makes wishes come true. A fairy told me that once. Or at least, I think it was a fairy. I couldn’t see real good because it was before I got my new glasses.

Stay Silly! Stay Inspired!


How many of my bookish friends out there, like me, seem to always be reading a stack of books at once? Why can’t I just pick one? And how many titles am I reading right now with the word ‘ghost’ in it? Read after read, scaring myself silly. I can’t explain it. But what if a ghost floated right past you right now?! EEEkkkk! Anyone know of a good ghostly tale?

Stay silly! Read a story! Stay Inspired!

For a list of my tales, please visit:

Super-squirrel burning rubber!

Happy Autumn! May you have peace and light in your life today!

Had an exciting moment on my walk at dusk last night. I stopped to chat with a raccoon in a tree, who peered down at me curiously. And what do you know but a RODENT flew in from somewhere into that same tree and ran up the trunk and then effortlessly transported itself from one branch to another. Friends – it was a southern flying squirrel. And I can’t tell you how wildly fast they can run up a tree trunk! Like, super-squirrel burning rubber!

Once many winters ago, my mom and I were terrorized by a rodent-creature flying in at night onto the tree in the backyard. We had no idea what it was. A monster evidently. We did some lady screeching, because that’s what you do when there is a mystery creature and it keeps making an appearance. Much later, I wondered if it wasn’t a flying squirrel. But I’d never seen one that I knew of. They are nocturnal, so no wonder! And they don’t snooze all winter, so, there you have it. Two women frightened SILLY because of a flying squirrel. But imagine. A winter’s night, some creature flying in from where? Clawing up the tree and peering out with its big eyes in the darkness. What WAS that thing?! Eeeek!

My Kind Of Birthday

It’s MY BIRTHDAY! Just me, a couple of sprinkle donuts, taking an easy day up in the treehouse (the name a neighbor called my unit when I moved in…it’s up in the trees like a treehouse). Maybe write some words, make some pasta, take a walk, do at least one or five silly things and then laugh at my ridiculous self, watch a scary movie and then jump at my shadow, eat too much sugar. My kind of birthday! LOVE YA!

And now I can go eat some candy…

I took myself into the city yesterday for a spot of art and quite enjoyed my adventure! And have you watched the new adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion on Netflix yet?! Oh my word, so lovely! I’m reading an eerie ghost book (when am I not) just now, and I’m also sort of convinced I might have caught something ghostly on camera yesterday (maybe I shouldn’t announce that on the internet).

I’m heavily deciding on new writing projects this minute, as well as heavily procrastinating on some important paperwork! Oh, and I had toast with lots of raspberry jam this morning. Isn’t jam so swell? AND! I went to the dentist Friday – love my teeth cleanings! Because I’m weird like that. And now I can go eat some candy. How’s that for an update?!
Stay Inspired!

Not Just With Words

I’m not just a writer. I can also bite hearts right into my apples. I know, I know. A pretty special talent. I agree. I can share feelings not just with words, but with chomps!

Just To Keep Things Curious

The works of artist and author Edward Gorey has forever, and will ever be, such a favorite for me. Each sketch, with a strange or silly story, brings me someplace inspiring, yet eerie. I love it. And will cherish my little collection.

True story – for years I used to send out creepy Edward Gorey Christmas cards.

Just to keep things curious.

Demise of the Duckie…

Awww, Tiddo! You’re sitting so nice with your duckie! I have some things to do, but will be back soon.  The Cat Mom


Wait, wait lady! Where are you going? You’re not going to leave me alone, are you? The Duckie


Oh no, she’s left the room! Nice kitty, kitty…we’re friends, right? Shall we play cards? Chess? Watch cartoons? Color?


You’re such a quiet kitty, I hope there’s nothing dangerous on your mind?


Aaaaaahhhhh!!! Help!!! He’s got me!!! I’m flying in the air!


I’ve been flung and can’t get up, now I’m just a sitting duck! Tremble, tremble, tremble…


My family is plush, kitty. They’ll give you all the cat crunchies you want. Just don’t hurt me…


Oh please kitty, nice kitty! You don’t want to eat me! I bet you have a far tastier plate waiting for you in the kitchen…


He’s got me pinned with his giant claws! This is the end! Please say goodbye to the flock for me…


He’s licking his chops! My days are over. Quack, quack…


Whaaaa! EEEhhhhh!!! Noooooeeeewww!


Chomp, chomp, chomp…nom, nom, nom. Burp! Tiddo The Cat


The next day…Oh, Tiddo. I’m sorry to hear you say that your friend duckie ran away! I wonder why, when you are such a sweet and docile kitty. Well, here is a new friend for you! I’ll be back soon. You two have fun! The Cat Mom

Silly Fun with Shadows and Sun!

When you are bored, yet there be some sun…


Don’t be a grump, go have some fun…


Form a shadow; shimmy, dance and shake…


See what silly shapes you can make!


Ha-Ha-Hee! Haw-Hoo-Hoo! It be fun to play the fool!


Here’s to making your own good fun and laughing often, whether or not the sun is shining!

I’m a Cardinal…

Cue the music please:

I’m…too sexy for this yard…too sexy for this yard, too sexy yea!


I’m a Cardinal, you know what I mean, and I do my little turn on the birdwalk…


On the birdwalk, on my branch-walk, I do my little turn on the birdwalk…


I’m…too sexy for this branch…too sexy for this tree, way…too…sexy…yea!


I’m a Cardinal, you know what I mean…

The Key To Everlasting Love

Once upon a time, two people came together…only, there was a dilemma.


Handsome felt pretty confident with his coffee maker…


But the lady simply preferred her own.


They would just have to find a solution!


And so they did, isn’t love so nice?


…especially on Saturday mornings when the coffee maker isn’t used at all, and he braves the cold for coffee and pastries while she stays under the warm blankets…


That is the key to everlasting love. Especially when the pastries are pain au chocolat! Cheers to love and good coffee!