Haunted Dolls

My best friend and I are meeting at the Chicago History Museum tomorrow to see the ‘Haunted Dolls & History’s Horrors’ exhibit. I will then proceed to have a very sleepless Saturday night, terrified a doll will peek out from under my bed and pinch my toes. But it’s going to be great!


Super-squirrel burning rubber!

Happy Autumn! May you have peace and light in your life today!

Had an exciting moment on my walk at dusk last night. I stopped to chat with a raccoon in a tree, who peered down at me curiously. And what do you know but a RODENT flew in from somewhere into that same tree and ran up the trunk and then effortlessly transported itself from one branch to another. Friends – it was a southern flying squirrel. And I can’t tell you how wildly fast they can run up a tree trunk! Like, super-squirrel burning rubber!

Once many winters ago, my mom and I were terrorized by a rodent-creature flying in at night onto the tree in the backyard. We had no idea what it was. A monster evidently. We did some lady screeching, because that’s what you do when there is a mystery creature and it keeps making an appearance. Much later, I wondered if it wasn’t a flying squirrel. But I’d never seen one that I knew of. They are nocturnal, so no wonder! And they don’t snooze all winter, so, there you have it. Two women frightened SILLY because of a flying squirrel. But imagine. A winter’s night, some creature flying in from where? Clawing up the tree and peering out with its big eyes in the darkness. What WAS that thing?! Eeeek!

Fall Fairies

Are you watching for the fall fairies, hiding in the leaves?

To catch my silly fairy videos, please visit: Authoress Michelle Novak on YouTube
For a list of my fairy tales, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/

Very Special Plan Brewing

I love my simple home. My simple pursuits. Simple as they are, this summer felt yet again – busy!!

As fall makes its way in, I’m looking forward to slowing down. To reading and writing more, being on-the-go less. I still have several events yet for October, so I hope to see some of you yet. Then it will be back to my writing season, and planning ahead for next year! I have a very special plan brewing – but nothing confirmed yet!

For a list of events and my works, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/

Nap Time…

There is this squirrel, who was not long ago just a newling I think. I’m certain it is the same squirrel, as I have seen him repeated times in the same tree just above my window, taking naps

I’ve seen him with his head tucked in, or sprawled out in the sun, or cozy as ever as he is in this picture. It’s clearly his favorite tree, and also evident that he especially loves an afternoon snooze!

Stay Inspired.

Happy Autumn!

Happy autumn and a festive Halloween to every one of you!

[Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay]

Here’s wishing you a cozy, healthy, cheerful season, and that God provides you with just what you need…

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Matthew 21:22 KJV

Stay Inspired

The Mad Hatter Of Toasties: A Poem

I am the Mad Hatter of toasties, smothering my bread in everything that’s good…


Even covering them in melty cheese and eggs, though my conscience isn’t sure I should…


Especially best are those with eggs in a hole, how I swoon with each bite and crunch…


Mad Hatter I am, getting crazy with my toast…I make one wild bunch!


No, no, there’s nothing better, than such hot and toasty delights…


Made right quick for any meal, they’re indubitably the best on chilly autumn nights!


Of course there is salad; greens so fresh, bright and pure…


And roasted squash of every kind, from which I don’t demure!


Always loving am I of a tender fish, potato and asparagus feast…


And my ardor for shrimp, shallots and beans…well that won’t ever cease!


Wondrous goddess you are, divine caprese! So very high on my list…


But toasties, oh toasties, you’re this Mad Hatter’s pleasure, for always and ever. On this I must insist!

My Chili Pot Runneth Over…

For many years, friends of my family have hosted a wonderful event called Chili Fest! On a most anticipated September Saturday evening, a great many folks come bearing huge pots of delicious chili and a feast is born…


There are crock-pots, stove pots and cast iron pots to fill an entire kitchen, all brimming with slow cooked meats, chilis and gumbos! There’s always vegetarian chili too (heartily made with raisins, beans and cashews…so good)!


But that’s not all. As the evening begins and folks start to trickle in, much love is set out upon the dining room table. Dips, veggies, cornbreads, desserts!


This wonderful family hosts a great many people, all bringing and helping themselves to the delicious spread. Children run through the yard playing games, dogs trot about hoping for a nibble from the table, and the company gathered create a cacophony of words and laughter…


While just outside, Bullfrog plays on into the night. Bullfrog is a popular local band that has been around for years (though recently retired from public performance). They are very talented musicians. I’ve sat in on a great many of their gigs, for my stepdad Charlie is the drummer!


Folks are in and out, grabbing another helping of chili, delighting in another piece of pie, taking in the cool night air and music from lawn chairs in the driveway…


Generous friends bring the bounty of their gardens to share with the visitors…


And one remembers once more how meaningful good food and fellowship are…


Here’s a thank you to the hosts of Chili Fest! This gathering ever brings such warm memories!

And here’s wishing all, friends by your side, smiles and laughter in abundance, and always what share of earth’s bounty you need…

The House of the Seven Gables

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of visiting Salem, Massachusetts in the month of October just before Halloween…


The golden leaves were falling, grey skies and misty rain made the cobblestone pathways and colonial buildings feel mysterious. Handsome and I even traipsed out into a desolate field to visit one noteworthy graveyard, filled with tombstones from the Salem Witch Trials


The Salem Witch Trials were a very frightening and grim part of American History. 200 innocent people were tried for witchcraft, ending with 20 of them being sentenced to death. I was sincerely touched to see the American flags dotted around this graveyard, honoring those innocent lives…


We also wandered by the chilly ocean wharf, with no particular place in mind to head to. There, we stumbled upon an old house of unknown historical significance. And on that day (lucky for us), there was a little tour of the premises…


This, is the House of the Seven Gables. It is the oldest mansion to be made of wood and still standing in Salem. It was built in 1668! For American architecture, this is considered ancient. We had to go inside!


Unfortunately, I didn’t use my camera inside. Unlikely because they didn’t allow photos, but rather that I was too mesmerized by the old rooms. Visit here to see detailed photos and descriptions…

It was an amazingly restored house, where I was instantly transported back in time. I imagined cooking before the enormous stone hearth, stitching in the dainty sitting room, gathering around the table in the esteemed dining chamber, or even sneaking up a secret stairway hidden behind the wall…


On the day we visited, it was autumn, late afternoon and rather gloomy. The natural lighting that came into the house did little to light our way through. So of course, I had all kinds of shadowy images in my mind of what it would have been like to live in that house in the late 1600’s, the sea turbulent just outside, a stormy night, the briny smell in the air, a crackling fire and candlelight playing upon the walls. And remember…the Salem Witch Trials were happening just outside…eeeeekkk!


Some time after that visit to Salem, I’m at a garage sale with my mom. I see this book in a box and I blurt out loud, “I’ve been in that house!” Both my mom and the house owner raising an eyebrow at my random revelation. A few crinkled dollars and the book was mine!


The House of the Seven Gables was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne (the author of The Scarlet Letter) in 1851. His cousin, Susanna Ingersoll, owned the home at this time, and Hawthorne visited her there. Thus, he knew the house intimately and used it as the stage for one bone-chilling tale…


Hawthorne also had ancestors that were involved with the witch trials; he was steadfastly inspired by this. The House of the Seven Gables begins with an execution for witchcraft, an occasion that then haunts the generations who live in the home…


I just read the book, which I did not consider the easiest read, yet which I could not put down. Some parts felt maddeningly in-depth (deep observations and winding verse). But then, a mere page later and I’d find myself once more in the throes of this haunting tale. The book is considered a romance; I would call it a macabre romance, inexplicably blooming under creepy, depressing circumstances…


If you are interested in colonial or Puritan American history, I hope you make it to Salem. We visited some remarkable historic landmarks in both Boston and Salem, and I’ve an itch to go back to see more! I also especially enjoyed it with an autumnal setting, the fresh ocean air, and the best lobster I’ve ever eaten in my life.

If you are looking for a dark read with historic value, you might enjoy The House of the Seven Gables. It’s a cerebral tale of one shadowy seaside house that though I visited in real life, am very glad not to have visited as Hawthorne described it!

An Autumn Poem

Today I took an autumn walk…


The flowers made me forget the clock!


The pinks, they blushed for all to see…


And the yellows, filled my heart with glee!


The robins gobbled plump juniper berries…



There were fresh smelling pine cones and fallen cherries!



The roses were so moving, they danced…


And the bright fall leaves, they shook and pranced!


That adorable squirrel had rather fuzzy ears!


And these vines and leaves, they’ve crept for years.


That seagull dove right at my head…


And his friends thought that was funny!


The ducks were having a pleasant swim…


This drake was with his honey!


All was well until the gulls swooped in,

and said “Give us all your money!”


The three foot fishies, they frighten me…


Summer swims bring nibbled toes, you see!


I could go on and on with this nature talk…


Let’s just say it was a berry beautiful walk!

An Autumn Night In Evanston

“Brrrr mom, it’s getting chilly out there!”


“I think the sun is setting, we better find a warm place.”


“All set…please turn up the thermostat, would ya?”


The evening meal is set…


The house is cozy and warm…


And the fireplace illuminates our evening…


Happy Autumn!