A Magical Tale To Gift This Season!

Wonderful Readers ~ Please consider a magical tale to gift this season! Reading is such an adventure and so incredible for the imagination! Please also consider supporting indie authors, independent bookstores, small creators and small businesses, who strive to bring the world unique goods and special experiences!

For a list of my independently published works, please visit: https://www.amazon.com/author/mnovak

Please consider a magical tale!

Wonderful Readers ~ Please consider a magical tale to gift this season! Reading is such an adventure and so incredible for the imagination! Please also consider supporting indie authors, independent bookstores, small creators and small businesses, who strive to bring the world unique goods and special experiences!

For a list of my independently published works, please visit: https://www.amazon.com/author/mnovak

Support Independent Authors

Happened upon an Evanston bookstore I’d never been to before yesterday. AND THEY SUPPORT INDEPENDENT AUTHORS. So I supported them with a purchase, a few titles that were on my to-read list. Thank you for lifting up self-published authors, @pageonebooks !!!

Support an Independent Author!

Amazon has a sale on my Queen of the Elves and Delight (not sure for how long)! Please consider reading and supporting an independent author. Happy reading!

My Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/author/mnovak


How many of my bookish friends out there, like me, seem to always be reading a stack of books at once? Why can’t I just pick one? And how many titles am I reading right now with the word ‘ghost’ in it? Read after read, scaring myself silly. I can’t explain it. But what if a ghost floated right past you right now?! EEEkkkk! Anyone know of a good ghostly tale?

Stay silly! Read a story! Stay Inspired!

For a list of my tales, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/

A Mysterious and Thrilling Journey!

Veleno – one of the loves of my life, and my most popular tale. Amazon’s got it a little discounted today (not sure for how long) – please consider supporting and reading an indie author! And if it’s my Veleno – I sincerely wish you a mysterious and thrilling journey!

My Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/author/mnovak

Reading Means So Much To Me

For those of you who have read a tale or two of mine, what was memorable about one of them?

Reading means so much to me. I was thinking today about how a book I’ve been reading, just a sweet story, has several times quelled my stress. I’m thankful for that. Books have so many purposes. They are a getaway, excitement, make you dream, are educational, calming, and many many other things. When I write a book, and let it go, I know it has a life beyond me that I never see. And sometimes I’m curious if and what it might have meant, to someone else. The way books I read by other authors, make impressions on me!

Stay Inspired!
For a list of my stories, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/

Such A Sweet Treat!

What a lovely read! Only a quarter the way through, but such a sweet treat!
{check out the author at: https://jenturano.com/}

One of the interesting things about being an author, is discovering different writing styles and genres than your own through reading. Once, I only read books. Now, I both read, and consider the writing with the eye of an author. Reading is even more inspiring to me now, if that could even be possible!

Stay Inspired!

Having a Bookish Blast!

Who is coming to Kenosha to visit the Kenosha Book Festival?! I’ll be joining the fun this Sunday, August 28th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. I’ll be the one with the endless smile while having a bookish blast!

Thank you @donovanscherer for this graphic!

As if I’m not already awkward enough.

 I ordered this one for my Dad, and then he mailed it my way after he read it. We’ve been mailing each other books for several decades now.

This one is REALLY good. I was reading while walking on a sunny evening and something moved – probably a bird in my side vision – and I jerked. I mean, that bird could have been a ghost for all I knew!? So sure, I was a little jumpy. And that bird did that on purpose. I know he did. Just to make me look weird in public. As if I’m not already awkward enough.

Find The Happiness

Books, coffee, and my morning treat…finding happiness in little things.

Yes – I’m reading six books at once. I pick which depending on my mood and never have trouble jumping right in where I left off. And, a new Studio Moonfall mug – a gift from my recent author visit. That mug is going to be seeing a lot of coffee!

~ Find the happiness ~ All my best ~

Going to scare myself silly…

As if reading every true ghost encounter book ever written was not enough, I picked up a bag of ghostly fiction from Studio Moonfall on Sunday.

I’ll share the titles tomorrow, but I already started reading one, and yikes! I am absolutely going to scare myself silly!

Beloved Tomes

Have you ever bound an often-read book?

As a youth, I remember we covered our text books with paper grocery bags and then scribbled all over them. You could then tear off the paper when it was time for return.

This is my Bible. Bound in my favorite green color, a velvety fabric. It’s gone through several covers and decades of page turning. It’s nice to hold it with this fabric and makes it feel personal to me. Consider it an idea for your most beloved tomes!

Keep Making A Splash!

Here’s to all you strong and amazing mermaidens out there!! Keep making a splash!!

The Mermaiden by Michelle Novak

{For a list of all my works, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/}
{Please join me on Goodreads}
{Please join me on Instagram}

~ Thank you for supporting Independent Authors! Stay Inspired! ~

New book release announcing soon!

Still by Michelle Novak

Roe works as a backer, a jack-of-all-trades in one of New York City’s oldest museums. Housing a legion of ancient treasures, its dim and mysterious halls have been venerated for long over a century. Her father before her, an esteemed historian in the museum for decades. It was from him, that she learned everything.

In this place, Roe’s whole life has been spent. Exploring every shadowy corner, gazing over every priceless piece, sneaking a glance inside every creaky drawer. So, she thought she had discovered all of its even most secret of secrets. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In a museum, there is always more to find. Or more to find you. And here, something has been hiding in the basement for a very long time. Something that has now begun looking, for Roe.

For a list of all my works, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/

Just weeks away!!

Just weeks away!! Evanston Made Maker’s Market with all of its incredible treats, crafts, and art! Novels and fairy tales too!!! I hope to see you there!

Thank you Evanston Made for this lovely graphic, and for welcoming this author to the fun!!

I write myself away…

Each day, I write myself away to places I imagine…

One of the best parts?

Eventually sharing those places, with you.

{For a synopsis of my forthcoming Still, and other works, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/}

Books To Movies

What books have turned into movies that had an impact on you?

Onegin ~ as heartbreaking as Romeo and Juliet, my word.
Dracula ~ he’s not romantic, he’s a monster! Run!
The Great Gatsby ~ well that story is just SAD.
Solaris ~ will break your brain, and then your heart, and then your brain again. Outer space is SCARY.

What would it be about?

Have you ever thought about writing a book? If you did, what would it be about?

Still by Michelle Novak ~ Releasing Soon!

For a synopsis of Still and my other works, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/

My TBR Stack!

Here’s my TBR stack! At least, the highest in my queue that are physically at my fingertips just now.

Three of them are ghost books (of course). Fuzz is the newest by one of my favorite authors, Mary Roach (can’t wait!). I’m looking forward to everything in this pile!

Glad for my dad…

True story – my dad has been sending me books by snail mail, all neatly taped up in brown paper, for YEARS. Two decades? Sometimes up to one a week. He is a big reader, and our tastes line up so closely, that I will read much of what he sends.

This book came today. He always sends the ghost books because they are a favorite to us both. They’re my candy bars as far as book genres go. I’m surprised we haven’t read them all by now!

Glad for my dad, always sending me books.

Stay Inspired!

A Magical Kingdom by Michelle Novak

It’s summer vacation and Lizzy is eager to take a trip to visit her grandparents at their beautiful home in the countryside where all kinds of fun can be had!

One morning, Lizzy’s grandma offers her an exciting book to read. Hopping on her bike with the book and a picnic lunch, she settles down by a beautiful pond to begin reading the adventure.

After reading the first lines of the book, things are not as they should be. The pond is now a vast lake, and in the middle of it sits a magnificent castle! There’s also an oddly dressed woman who’s come looking for her. She looks like she’s just stepped out of the Renaissance! Her name is Milda, and she beckons ‘Princess Lizbeth’ to hurry, for she is expected at the castle.

Join Lizzy as she travels back in time to a magical kingdom and becomes a princess for a day!

~ This, and all my adventures are available on Amazon! ~
~ For a list of my other works, please visit here. ~
To join me on Instagram, click here.
To join me on Goodreads, click here.