Everything I need!

Walked to the Evanston Farmers’ Market this morning! Economize while eating well? This will do the trick for this vegetarian! Everything I need!

Love yourself ~ stay inspired!

Just Being Thankful

Green juice is really important to me, and I’m thankful for Evolution Fresh. I have a ritual where I walk to get my groceries, and then stop multiple times along the way home for a few sips, just being thankful for my health and good life. This juice is one of my very favorite things and has been for years.

What is something you love a whole lot that makes a difference in your life?

Books – books – books!!

Lunch breaks in my house? A healthy bite and a good read. Currently working my way through Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science by Jeff Meldrum. And it’s excellent.

If you are on Goodreads, I hope you’ll join my author page, friends. The real treat? Sharing what I’m reading, but also seeing what YOU’VE got your noses in! Books – books – books!!

Stay Inspired!