PURE Happiness

After setting up for a bookish day a few Sundays ago, I grabbed a coffee and muffin, and sat enjoying the sunshine, looking forward to the day. I had all four of my favorite things – I was outdoors, with my books, drinking coffee, eating a muffin. PURE happiness.

What makes you happy like that? Go do that. And I suggest a blueberry muffin while you’re at it. Or pumpkin. Or banana.

Stay Inspired!

My Fingers Are On Fire

Thank you @napervilleartisan for a wonderful event this last weekend! And to all the new readers and friends who made it so memorable for me ~ I sincerely appreciate all of you so much!

And now ends my 2022 event season until the spring. My fingers are on fire for a winter of writing!
Stay Inspired!

A Wonderful Bookish Day

Had a wonderful bookish day at the Oak Brook Artisan Market last Sunday! I’ve said it so many times, but I have to say it again – book days are the best days.

To all the readers on this author journey of mine – I sincerely appreciate you.

Stay Inspired!

Bookish Chats in 2022!

I hope to see you for some bookish chats in 2022! Please visit InspiredByVenice.org for a list of my works, and the events I’ll be joining!

Stay Inspired! ~ Authoress Michelle Novak