
For my traveling book display, I have a tiered cardboard stand that breaks down flat in my bag. It works well to present height, rather than the books filed down a table.

One downside of my train-hopping display is that I can’t pack the weight of my sample copies. And one thing I know about book lovers is that they like to flip the pages…reading the cover alone just isn’t enough.

Me and my traveling books! Happiness!

Forget Magic Wands

Forget magic wands. This is my magic pencil.

Stay Inspired!

For a list of my works, please visit: https://inspiredbyvenice.org/about/
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/mnovak

The Transcendent Moments

For the book lovers out there ~ what’s your favorite thing about reading?
For the writers ~ why do you write?
For the creators ~ when does making feel like magic?

Me? I write for the transcendent moments. Those times when it takes me some place incredible, within myself. A really focused, yet far away, beautiful place.

Merry, Merry My Friends

A long holiday weekend spent reading and writing?! WHAT a treat!! Happiness – here I come!!!

Merry, Merry my friends ~
Stay Inspired!