Such A Sweet Treat!

What a lovely read! Only a quarter the way through, but such a sweet treat!
{check out the author at:}

One of the interesting things about being an author, is discovering different writing styles and genres than your own through reading. Once, I only read books. Now, I both read, and consider the writing with the eye of an author. Reading is even more inspiring to me now, if that could even be possible!

Stay Inspired!

Take Me With You



“Yes Tiddo?”


“I found your bag, and your sweater…are you going somewhere? Are you going to grandma’s house? Are you going to see those other kitties? Are you going to play chase the feathers with them like we do? Why can’t Midnight, Peanut and Sasha come here to play? Why do you have to go there? Can I come too? I can fit in this bag you know.”


“Oh Tiddo, I’ll just be gone one night. But I need you to stay here.”


“No mom, I’m shutting my eyes and this overnight bag will go right back into the closet where it belongs. WHY can’t I go?”

“Well, because it is so cold outside that a little mouse might have come to nest inside of the house! What would I do without my hunter here to protect our home, especially my cheese and crackers, and your kitty crunchies too? Mice like those.”


“Hmmm, ok then. But only if you’re gone just one night. I love you mom…”

“I love you too Tiddo.”


“ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz……..mousie, mousie, mousie…zzzzz.”