
Tomorrow! Magical Menagerie Market – Stan Mansion, Chicago – March 26th – 12 to 7 p.m.

I’ll be selling and signing my tales ~ Sincerely looking forward to the music, food, smiles, fellow artists, and good cheer! See you then!

Save The Date!

I’ll be selling and signing my tales! Save the date for The Magical Menagerie Market! @magicalmenageriemarket
March 26th ~ 12 to 7 p.m.
Stan Mansion ~ Chicago

Flyer artist: @thesinisterrex
Event host: @theapothecarycupboard

For a list of my tales, please visit:

Next Sunday!

I’m looking forward to joining the Cupid’s Pop-up at Mission Control Arcade Bar in Chicago on February 12th, selling and signing my tales from 12 – 4 p.m.! Thank you @missioncontrolarcade ~ ~ for this graphic, and for welcoming this authoress to the fun!

For a list of my tales, please visit:

Cupid’s Pop-up! Mission Control Arcade Bar!

I’ll be joining the Cupid’s Pop-up at Mission Control Arcade Bar in Chicago on February 12th, selling and signing my tales from 12 – 4 p.m.! Thank you @missioncontrolarcade ~ ~ for this pretty pink graphic, and for welcoming this authoress to the fun!

For a list of my tales, please visit:

Thank You Studio Moonfall!

Thank you, as ever, to Studio Moonfall in Kenosha, WI ~ This magical bookstore endlessly supports indie authors and makers! They host wonderful bookish fun and carry so many titles by independent authors, mine included! Check it out with a visit in-person, or online – You can even take a virtual tour on the website!

Keep Going!

My first book was published in 2015 and I’ve been on an adventure ever since. Growing as a writer, indie publishing, event attending, small business skills, marketing, social media. I love it all – I never get tired of it – I’m always inspired by it – and every day I’m growing. In fact, I feel like I’m just getting warmed up!

I wanted to say to all the writers, artists, creators, and small business owners out there. I see it now – one must KEEP LEARNING. Read, watch, listen, research, ADAPT, get excited, get inspired, keep going, KEEP GOING! It’s the ones who keep learning, and do not stop, that actually make strides to get where they want to go! Common sense? Then tell me why it’s so easy to become stagnant and let go of one’s hopes for one’s craft?

I’m very, VERY excited for 2023 in my bookish life. Some exciting new fun is approaching! And I believe that if I continue to take my own advice, the future is really looking very magical!

Stay Inspired!

What I’ve Learned From Writing Books – #2

Hello Dear Friends! All of my well wishes to you!!

I’ve been focused on preparing for the opening of The Quill and Brush’s 5th season at the Bristol Renaissance Faire for many weeks now. For such a simple little shop, you’d wonder what all takes so much time to prepare?! But let me tell you from experience, even the smallest of small businesses always has plenty to do!

Saturday I was up at Bristol with my folks, making sure all was prepped for opening day, July 10th. Man, those Bristol grounds are beautiful!

Yesterday, I tied up loose ends at home, including bringing out bins of costumes from storage. Hanging them up, I realized how real this all was. Just a few days more!

Who is ready for Bristol?! Rennies say hello in the comments!

But onwards with this mini series of posts about my experience writing books…

(Remember, I think much of these will apply to any creator.)


Writing books takes guts and grit and nerves of steel. If you don’t have those, well, start pretending you do and don’t look back…

What do I mean by this?

First – Writing, editing, and completing a book alone, is very hard work. Hundreds of hours in solitude creating a single novel? Easily. You need to love it that much, and develop great patience. It will be more patience than you have, so just keep finding more. From where? I don’t know. Just do.

Two – You’ve got a lot of learning to do. Everyone does. Being a writer is a continual journey of development. And learning is often arduous and can mess with your confidence. Don’t let it. Just keep moving forward, just keep growing.

Three – What you write will never be as perfect as you want it to be. And I know I have an imagination that I can’t quite fit into a book. That’s hard to accept. But the important thing is whether or not you put your best into what you produce. And you know whether or not you did. Give your best, and you’re doing great!

Four – Giving your work to the world is provoking. That’s my nice way of saying, there’s a lot of emotions when a book is published. It’s exciting and I feel proud, yes. I can’t even describe how it feels to hold that first copy in your hands! But it’s also terrifying. Once you put it out there, it’s not yours anymore. A book has a life of its own for everyone who reads it. And that will bring out both scrutiny and praise, and other unexpected ripples. You must learn to embrace all of that. It’s scary, but beautiful.

Five – Writing books is lonely. But it has to be. It’s you – your mind – and the page. Of course, writing can be terribly exciting and entertaining! But it’s inherently a quiet endeavor. If your personality doesn’t like quiet and solitude (and even if it does), this can be a difficult part of writing.

Six – It’s possible you’ll do all the work, and yet not many people will read your book. Listen – the world is oversaturated with as many options in reading and entertainment, and other things to do. So this shouldn’t be a surprise. Rather, remember to write because you love to, and simply appreciate when others do pick up, read, and even go the extra mile of responding to, what you wrote. If you think of it this way, you’ll keep finding the rewards in writing.

If you’ve read this post, my guess is you love to create something, whether it’s a book, or otherwise. So here’s what I say to you. You just keep doing what you love, no matter what. Even if it’s small steps, or only for yourself, or just as time allows, or with its difficulties. It will always be worth it. And for those of you who have already reached the stars with your craft, keep going for the next universe!

Stay Inspired.

A Thoughtful Gift

It is the season for cheer and goodwill, a season for family, friends and thoughtful gifting to all those we care about!


As a writer who loves a good adventure, I am always pleased to be gifted with a book. Books allow us to use our imagination and travel far from where we live, they often provide hours of inspiration long after they are given, and are (usually) stress-relieving, intellectual and a pleasure!


And so this holiday, I humbly recommend the gift of Venice for a lady in your life, whether sister or daughter, grandma or mother, best friend or colleague or neighbor. This delightful trip to the beautiful city of Venice, Italy, through its interactive choose-your-own-adventure style (you choose what you will see and do in the book by making selections at the end of each chapter), will be a treat for any reader and lover of adventure and travel!


And for the young ladies in your life, please consider A Festival Day in Bristol and Princess Liliana and the Dragon! These tales are light history for some learning fun, contain positive moral themes and are entertaining!

Thank you for all of your support! My books are written with a passion to inspire, entertain and enlighten, and I hope that you will enjoy them. Here’s wishing you a bright and peaceful holiday season with all those you love!