Next Up…

Thank you for hosting the Cupid’s pop-up last Sunday @missioncontrolarcade (! Next up for me, The Magical Menagerie Market March 26th! @magicalmenageriemarket, this authoress is looking forward to the fun!

Stay Inspired!

Literary love, Smiles, and Sparkle!

Had a great time at the Evanston Made Maker’s Market last Sunday. As I always say – book days are my favorite days, and this one was no exception!

Here’s a photo of my trusty bookmobile and parking lot book display. The bookmobile and I are always ready for a bookish pop-up (see that event tent temporarily crushing my passenger-side seat?)

Local event (Chicago-ish, Milwaukee-ish)? Send me an invite! The bookmobile and I will drop in to spread some literary love, smiles, and sparkle!