A Dragon Tale!

Wonderful Readers ~ Please consider a dragon tale to gift this season! Reading is such an adventure and so incredible for the imagination! Please also consider supporting indie authors, independent bookstores, small creators and small businesses, who strive to bring the world unique goods and special experiences!

For a list of my independently published works, please visit: https://www.amazon.com/author/mnovak

Final Days of the Beauty Sleeping Giveaway!

Final few days of the Beauty Sleeping giveaway on Goodreads! Be sure to enter (and join me on Goodreads while you’re there!!). Here’s the link

Beauty Sleeping by Michelle Novak:

Four fair princesses, a long time ago, in a castle do dwell. Their father the king, has disappeared, from just right where he fell. The queen, their mother, walked away, floating into the wood. A sorceress watches, from her dark weald, ’tis certain she means no good…

Will-o’-the-wisps, water spirits, and many strange flowers that sigh. Fairies, goblins, nymphs, and of course, tameless dragons that fly. A time from the past, filled with peril, strange conjury, and swords. Just take one step into this world, and the journey ’twill be yours…

Beauty Sleeping Giveaway on Goodreads!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Beauty Sleeping by Michelle  Novak

Beauty Sleeping

by Michelle Novak

Giveaway ends February 18, 2022.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway